API / Js / Global

You are currently looking at the < v8.2.0 docs (Reason v3.6 syntax edition). You can find the latest API docs here.

(These docs cover all versions between v3 to v8 and are equivalent to the old BuckleScript docs before the rebrand)


Provide bindings to JS global functions in global namespace.

type intervalId;

Identify an interval started by Js.Global.setInterval.

type timeoutId;

Identify timeout started by Js.Global.setTimeout.


let clearInterval: intervalId => unit;

Clear an interval started by Js.Global.setInterval

/* API for a somewhat aggressive snoozing alarm clock */ let punchSleepyGuy = () => Js.log("Punch"); let interval = ref(Js.Nullable.null); let remind = () => { Js.log("Wake Up!"); punchSleepyGuy(); }; let snooze = mins => interval := Js.Nullable.return(Js.Global.setInterval(remind, mins * 60 * 1000)); let cancel = () => Js.Nullable.iter(interval^, (. intervalId) => Js.Global.clearInterval(intervalId) );


let clearTimeout: timeoutId => unit;

Clear a timeout started by Js.Global.setTimeout.

/* A simple model of a code monkey's brain */ let closeHackerNewsTab = () => Js.log("close"); let timer = ref(Js.Nullable.null); let work = () => closeHackerNewsTab(); let procrastinate = mins => { Js.Nullable.iter(timer^, (. timer) => Js.Global.clearTimeout(timer)); timer := Js.Nullable.return(Js.Global.setTimeout(work, mins * 60 * 1000)); };


let setInterval: (unit => unit, int) => intervalId;

Repeatedly executes a callback with a specified interval (in milliseconds) between calls. Returns a Js.Global.intervalId that can be passed to Js.Global.clearInterval to cancel the timeout.

/* Will count up and print the count to the console every second */ let count = ref(0); let tick = () => { count := count^ + 1; Js.log(Belt.Int.toString(count^)); }; Js.Global.setInterval(tick, 1000);


let setIntervalFloat: (unit => unit, float) => intervalId;

Repeatedly executes a callback with a specified interval (in milliseconds) between calls. Returns a Js.Global.intervalId that can be passed to Js.Global.clearInterval to cancel the timeout.

/* Will count up and print the count to the console every second */ let count = ref(0); let tick = () => { count := count^ + 1; Js.log(Belt.Int.toString(count^)); }; Js.Global.setIntervalFloat(tick, 1000.0);


let setTimeout: (unit => unit, int) => timeoutId;

Execute a callback after a specified delay (in milliseconds). Returns a Js.Global.timeoutId that can be passed to Js.Global.clearTimeout to cancel the timeout.

/* Prints "Timed out!" in the console after one second */ let message = "Timed out!"; Js.Global.setTimeout(() => Js.log(message), 1000);


let setTimeoutFloat: (unit => unit, float) => timeoutId;

Execute a callback after a specified delay (in milliseconds). Returns a Js.Global.timeoutId that can be passed to Js.Global.clearTimeout to cancel the timeout.

/* Prints "Timed out!" in the console after one second */ let message = "Timed out!"; Js.Global.setTimeoutFloat(() => Js.log(message), 1000.0);


let encodeURI: string => string;

URL-encodes a string.


let decodeURI: string => string;

Decodes a URL-enmcoded string produced by encodeURI.


let encodeURIComponent: string => string;

URL-encodes a string, including characters with special meaning in a URI.


let decodeURIComponent: string => string;

Decodes a URL-enmcoded string produced by encodeURIComponent